New Entrants September 2025 tour dates now live. Please check the New Starters tab under Parents/ Carers

Homework/Google Classroom


We offer a broad, balanced, relevant and well matched curriculum to all children during the school year. However we recognise that parental/carer involvement is equally as important and we value the support you can give to your child.


At Trafalgar we encourage all parents/carers to read with their child on a daily basis. This could be the adult reading a story or the child reading aloud from either their school reading book or one of their own choice from home. To develop a child's love of reading will set them up for lifelong enthusiasm for learning.


In KS1 children are given regular Maths and English homework which is matched to what the children have been learning in school that week. Please encourage your child to show you what they have been learning in school and ask the class teacher if you have any questions about this homework.


From time to time each year group will encourage children to do some research at home on relative topics and themes. This is a valuable experience for the child to share their learning with parents and carers. For those children who sometimes need that extra encouragement to learn this is a chance to get ahead.


To support transition between year groups or schools and nurseries, your child may be asked to prepare or work on a project. In previous years children entering into Year 1 have made a shoebox of memories at home and shared this with their friends in their new classes.


We use Google Classroom to communicate and share home learning tasks with parents/carers and children. Please contact the school office if you need login details or support.


Year R - Parent overviews, occasional homework to support learning in class, Knowledge Organisers and fortnightly photos to show learning for the previous weeks. 

Year 1 - Parent overviews for the next week so parents have the opportunity to talk about learning coming up, what children need to bring in to aid with they learning and topics.